Instagram, one of the fastest growing and most popular social platforms on the modern Internet, has captured the hearts of more than one million people. The number of active users is growing daily, and the number of new features and formats pleases viewers and blog authors. This platform has long ceased to be a network for sharing photos with friends and conducting correspondence with acquaintances.
Every year the platform strengthens its position as a tool for promoting a business or personal brand. People who want to make money without leaving home appeared on insta a few years ago when online accounts became commercial. Users saw that it was real to earn money on Instagram and began to take advantage of this chance.
But in order to create a relevant and interesting account, you need to know which trends are currently at the peak of popularity. Trends are changing faster than you might think. What was still fashionable yesterday and could be found in the profile of any influencer or brand, today it becomes a terrible anti-trend.
In this article, we will talk about what you need to avoid in order to be on trend.
1. An account without a “face”.
Few people will be interested in looking at the constant advertising of goods in the profile or posts about the benefits of the services sold. Users have had enough storefront accounts. In 2022, they are interested not only in goods, but also in those who are behind their creation. Don’t sit in the shadows, show more real people who work with you. To add a personality to your profile, you can show personal photos or videos, express your opinion on popular topics or news. We are sure that if you tell about the history of the brand creation in one of the posts and post your photo, the publication will collect millions of red hearts, especially if you take care of increasing statistics and buy Instagram likes.
2. The endless scroll, where photos from one post flow into another, has been considered an anti-trend for several years. But there are still accounts that use this technique on their page. But it is much more difficult for them to get new readers, because such a structure of the feed repels users. The trend is naturalness, not excessive neatness.
This does not mean that the feed should turn into chaos, where publications are not related to each other. It is enough to place photos that will be combined with each other, but the feeling of a puzzle will not be created.
3. Photoshop and unrealistic processing.
We have already said that maximum naturalness is now in the trend. The time of excessive retouching and photoshop has passed. Instagram is actively fighting against falsehood, now a mark “made using the effect” appears on the photo with a bright processing. It is better not to overdo it with retouching, otherwise the posts will not be interesting to readers and will not collect the desired number of hearts. In this case, you will need to contact a company where you can buy likes on Instagram to increase activity on the page.
4. Empty aesthetics.
In 2020, natural photos and soft pastel colors in processing have become fashionable. A year ago, such publications were still in trend, but now the situation has changed. Accounts with such publications have become similar to each other because many users have taken this trend too literally. Do not try to repeat the success of popular profiles in beige shades, choose your color palette and stick to it. Create your own color palettes and make it the “highlight” of the account.
5. Long texts.
Uninformative posts are no longer in trend, but we do not recommend writing bulky big offers either. On the platform, you now need to be able to compete not only with businessmen and influencers, but also with a huge number of media and public sites that also post a lot of interesting content. Learn to shorten the text and leave the most important things in it. Do not strive for a large number of words in posts, the text should be readable and understandable. Write as if you are sharing information with a friend.
Anti-trends in 2022 really irritate the audience and sometimes this leads to a loss of audience. The mood in social networks changes at lightning speed, and in order to always be on trend, you need to follow every change on the platform and feel what has already gone out of fashion. Follow the new trends and do not use out-of-fashion techniques. Good luck!