Under the Oak Tree is a popular Korean novel that has gained a massive following around the world. It is a captivating story about a woman who finds herself in a new world after being betrayed by her husband. The novel is written by a Korean author, Lee Soo-yoon, and has been translated into many languages, including English.
If you’re interested in reading Under the Oak Tree, you can easily find it online. There are several websites that offer free or paid versions of the novel. Some popular options include novelupdates.com, novelhall.com, and webnovel.com. These websites offer easy access to the novel and allow you to read it from the comfort of your own home.
The story is set in a fantasy world where magic and politics intersect. The protagonist, named Eris, was married to the second prince of the kingdom but was betrayed by him and his family. She is forced to flee the palace and seek refuge in a forest where she comes across a hidden society of mages who are also on the run.
Eris quickly adapts to her new life and becomes a skilled healer, earning the respect and admiration of those around her. She also meets a powerful mage, named Cale, who helps her navigate this new world and assists her in seeking revenge against those who wronged her.
Under the Oak Tree is a well-written novel with excellent character development, plot twists, and world-building. It is an engaging read that will keep you hooked from the first chapter. The story is full of political intrigue, romance, and action, making it a perfect choice for fans of fantasy novels.
In conclusion, Under the Oak Tree is a must-read for anyone who enjoys fantasy novels. With its engrossing plot, compelling characters, and beautiful writing, it is no wonder that it has become such a beloved novel around the world. If you haven’t read it yet, head online and check it out today!